5 Key Maintenance Summary Reports Every Facility And Asset Manager Needs

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Sysserve Media
July 20, 2017 . 5 min read
maintenance reports for facility and asset managers

maintenance reports for facility and asset managers

When you are a facility, asset or reliability manager, it is very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day administrative and maintenance issues and lose track of the bigger picture. There is always something urgent that needs to be fixed, a user’s request that requires your urgent attention, an overdue inspection or preventive maintenance to be performed and so on. As the Facility or Asset Manager, you need to keep an eye on the facility & asset performance as a whole. You should continuously ask questions such as; are SLA targets being met? which assets or job categories are consuming most of my resources (personnel time and money)? Are my maintenance costs increasing or decreasing? Who are my top and least performing vendors and technicians? To be successful, Facility and Maintenance Managers need to set aside some time on a regular basis to review key maintenance summary reports, analyze key trends and determine what actions to take in order to progressively improve performance.

Typically, maintenance managers monitor key metrics such as; created work orders vs closed work orders, percentage SLA compliance, average resolution time, percentage repeated jobs, maintenance costs, user satisfaction ratings. e.t.c. However, to deliver greater insights, these metrics should be further summarized by month, job category, technician/vendor and asset.

Here are 5 sample maintenance summary reports generated from Instanta Facility that includes all these metrics.

1. Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Maintenance Summary Report

This is a month by month maintenance performance report over a given period of time. With this report, you can easily see trends such as abnormal maintenance cost hike in a month, SLA compliance comparison and average client satisfaction rating from one month to another.

1month summary


2. Category Based Maintenance Summary Report

This report displays the metrics discussed above summarized by job categories e.g Plumbing, HVAC, Electricals, e.t.c.  You can easily see the expense on each job category over a selected date range.

category report 1

category graph 1

3. Asset Maintenance Summary Report

This report shows the performance summary of each asset over a specific period of time by displaying the maintenance costs, total work order count, average resolution time and the number of repeated work orders.

asset summary 1

4. Technician/Vendor Summary Report

Use insights from this report as input into your technician or vendor performance appraisal process. It enables you to objectively appraise your technician performance using data such as the number of assigned jobs that were repeated, average resolution time, SLA compliance and client satisfaction rating over a given period of time.

technician summary 1

5. Client Satisfaction Rating Summary

For every work order closed on Instanta facility, an automated SMS/Email notification is sent to the user/requester with a link to reopen the work order, if not satisfied with the quality of job performed. Or to rate his/her level of satisfaction. This data can then be presented as a pie chart, generated for work orders submitted over a specified date range or performed by a technician/vendor.

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Every facility and maintenance manager should review all these five reports on a regular basis, in line with your strategic maintenance objectives to ensure that you are on track and, to take actions for continuous improvement.

Do you want to know more about Instanta CMMS? Then download our free product overview document by clicking on the link below.

Download Instanta Overview Document

To request for a free onsite demonstration, visit https://sysservesolutions.com/instanta/facility-management-software call: +234-1-2914837 or email:sales@sysservesolutions.com.

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Sysserve Media
. 5 min read
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