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  5. Create Rule

Create Rule

Users can create as many rules as they need. The already existing rules are listed in the Rules list on the left side of the Rules app.

Rule wizard

To add a new rule click Add rule in the left top corner. A pop-up window with Wizard will appear:

Proceed with the rule wizard:

  1. Rule name. Just a label to name the rule and distinguish it from other rules you create.
  2. Related assets list. Mark the assets you want this rule to be applied for. You can select multiple assets.
  3. Event type. Select the event type you want to detect. The items that are not available for the selected device models will be disabled.
After you click the Next button, you will see the rest of the parameters to finish the rule wizard:

  1. Specific parameters for the event. For example, for speed limit exceeding it will be the speed limit.
  2. Geofence (optional). You can limit the rule with a particular geofence, e.g. for a speed limit exceeding event you can define different zones: 60 km/h for the city area and 110 km/h for the city outskirts.
  3. Day of the week and Time (optional). The rule can be applied only for the events triggered within a particular time range and days of the week. The following picture represents the schedule “on working days from Monday till Friday, from 9:00 am till 6:00 pm”.



You can define the list of email addresses and phone numbers that will receive the notification about the events. If this list is empty, the event will be just logged and shown in reports and events history. The text of the notification message can be edited by the user.



Suspend the rule

You can temporarily suspend the rule without deleting it. To do this just push the Suspend button or Activate to restore.

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