Typical work management process flow – Unplanned and vendor quotation NOT required
Typical work management process flow – Unplanned and vendor quotation required
Typical work management process flow – Planned (Preventive maintenance)
Typical work management process flow – Unplanned and vendor quotation NOT required
Here’s how your team work together to resolve a request that doesn’t require a vendor quotation:
Your end-user submits a request to your operation team through a web portal or mobile app
The relevant operation or service desk personnel receives an email notification and sees the request in their Instanta Facility work request listing
The officer opens and reviews the request, uses the comment card to collaborate and requests more information
The officer checks the “request approval box” and then adds one or more approving officers from the drop-down box
An automated “approval required” email notification will be sent to the approving officer
Approving officer
The approving officer opens the request for editing and approves the request
If there are multiple approving officers, the approving officer next in line will receive an “approval required” email notification, then open the request for editing and approves the request
A work order is automatically created for the request
Operation officer
The operation officer opens the created work order, selects the priority level, assigns the work to personnel or vendor, selects the expected start date & completion date.
The officer then adds the required material and cost either manually or directly from the inventory.
An automated email or SMS notification will be sent to the technician or vendor, notifying him to proceed with the execution
Instanta tracks and displays the SLA status
Operation officer
On work completion, the operation officer changes the work order status to completed
Work completed email notification will be automatically sent to the requester, asking for his or her feedback and rating
For vendor work orders, the assigned vendor receives the work order completion document automatically via email. A request for payment notification with supporting documentation is automatically sent to the finance team to initiate payment to the vendor.
The requester receives a work completion notification with the option to rate the satisfactory level or reopen the work order if the work wasn’t done satisfactorily
The reopened work order will be sent back to the operation team
Account officer
The account team reviews and approves the payment requisition, pays the vendor and updates the payment requisition with the payment details.
Typical work management process flow – Unplanned and vendor quotation required
Here’s how your team work together to resolve a request:
Your end-user submits a request to your operation team through a web portal or mobile app
The relevant operation or service desk personnel receives an email notification and sees the request in their Instanta Facility work request listing
The officer opens and review the request, then push the request to the procurement team to provide a quotation
The procurement team receives an automated “quotation required” email alert
The procurement officer prepares and sends a request for quotation (RFQ) to the selected vendors, inputs the received quotations and selects the preferred vendor
Work request ready for approval
The officer checks the “request approval box” and then adds one or more approving officers from the drop-down box
An automated “approval required” email notification will be sent to the approving officer
Approving officer
The approving officer opens the request for editing and approves the request
If there are multiple approving officers, the approving officer next in line will receive an “approval required” email notification, then he opens the request for editing and approves the request
After the approver, a work order is automatically created for the request
An automated email notification will be sent to the work owner and the preferred vendor, notifying them to proceed with job execution.
The rejected vendors will receive a notification to inform them that their quotation was notselected
Approval officer
The last approving officer opens the request for editing and approves the request
Operation officer
The operation officer opens the created work order, selects the priority level, expected start date & expected completion date.
Instanta tracks and displays the SLA status
Operation officer
On work completion, the operation officer changes the work order status to completed
Work completed email notification will be automatically sent to the requester, asking for his or her feedback and rating
The vendor receives the work order completion document automatically via email
A request for payment notification and the supporting document is sent to the finance team to initiate payment to the vendor.
The requester receives a work completion notification with the option to reopen the work order if the work wasn’t done satisfactorily
The reopened work order will be sent back to the operation team
Account officer
The account team reviews and approves the payment requisition, pays the vendor and updates the payment requisition with the payment details.
Typical work management process flow – Planned
Here’s how your customers and service desk agents work together to resolve a request that doesn’t require a vendor quotation:
According to the PPM configuration, Instanta automatically creates a work order for planned works on or before the due date.
An automated email or SMS notification will be sent to the technician or vendor, notifying him to proceed with the execution
Operation officer
The operation officer opens the created work order, selects the expected start date & completion date as required
The officer can also update the required material and cost
Instanta tracks and displays the SLA status
Operation officer
On work completion, the operation officer changes the work order status to completed
Work completed email notification will be automatically sent to the requester, asking for his or her feedback and rating
For work orders assigned to vendors, the vendor will receive the work order completion document automatically via email. A request for payment notification with supporting documentation will automatically be sent to the finance team to initiate payment to the vendor.
The requester receives a work completion notification with the option to rate the satisfactory level or reopen the work order if the work wasn’t done satisfactorily
The reopened work order will be sent back to the operation team
Account officer
The account team reviews and approves the payment requisition, pays the vendor and updates the payment requisition with the payment details