Is the price of fuel reducing your fleets’ ROI?

According to the national bureau of statistics, Nigeria has a daily fuel consumption of 56million litres which amounts to # 8.12million spent on fuel only per day. This figure poses some concerns to fleet operators and owners because fuel is the second largest expense second to depreciation in fleet management. Hence there are frequently asked questions such as; Are there ways to control the cost spent on fuel for my fleet? How can i effectively monitor fuel costs on fleet management? Unfortunately, fleet operators and owners can’t predict or control fuel prices but you can make upgrades to your fleet management plans to improve fuel efficiency, reduce cost and increase your ROI in the long run.
Below are some new trends in fleet management solutions that can help manage fuel consumption, drive efficiency and improve ROI of your fleet.
1. Driver Behaviour Monitoring Software.
(a) With the Eco-Driving feature of Instanta telematics, you can monitor and correct unsafe driver behavior, thus reducing long term expenses, fuel costs and improve the overall safety of the entire fleet.
(b) Driver Idling; do you know idling for just an hour can burn up to 4litres of fuel? That means we lose 2.3millions litres on idling alone. Limiting idling can help save millions each year. The Eco-Driving feature also sends notifications both to fleet managers and drivers when your vehicles are idle for longer than necessary.
2. Optimize Your Route.

Ever heard of Route Mapping? Does your fleet waste cost on taking unnecessarily long routes waiting in traffic? Is there any way to optimize your fleet’s routes? Yes! with features like route mapping software, you can shorten your routes and complete stops faster, saving your entire fleet thousands in the process.
3. Routine Maintenance.

With a routine preventive maintenance schedule from your fleet management software, you can ensure that your vehicles stay on the road longer. this also helps improve fuel efficiency and the overall fleet management cost
4. Fuel Management systems.

With the introduction of fuel card integrations with fleet management software, using a fuel card helps you monitor how each driver utilizes fuel, compares actual fuel consumption to the amount of fuel a vehicle can hold. Data from these systems give valuable insights helps you analyze fuel history and fuel consumption trend for each vehicle a feature most useful in for preventing fuel fraud, unauthorized used and fuel consuming behaviors like idling and overspeeding.
Are you eager to learn more about what fuel management solutions and what an intelligent telematics solution can do for your fleet business?
Click here to request a demo for the Instanta Telematics solution